Switching / Remortgage

In today’s constantly changing mortgage market some borrowers choose to remortgage (or switch) their mortgage to a new lender every few years in order to take advantage of both new rates and products that are on offer.

Switching lender could offer you a number of benefits including:

  • Reducing the total repayment over the lifetime of the mortgage
  • Refinance and consolidate your debts to reduce the combine repayment amounts
  • Raise funds for home improvements or other reasons
  • Switching lender can help you save money over the life of your mortgage. When switching lender, you could also consolidate your debts, carry out home improvements or raise equity for a variety of purposes.

How we can help:

Moneytree Finance will examine the market for you to see if you can get a better interest rate than you have from your current lender. Some mortgage lenders now offer ‘cash-back’ to help clients cover the costs associated with switching lender meaning you will have to pay very little, if anything at all, to switch. Getting a better rate for you will reduce your monthly repayments.

Contact Us today and begin your mortgage journey.

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